Bangkok Sex in Patpong

Odzer went to Bangkok to study prostitution for her anthropology dissertation, but she comes across as anything but academic in this highly personal, anecdotal account of her experiences in Patpong, the city’s thriving red-light district. Indeed, her findings confound expectations. The bar girls Odzer managed to befriend were adept in turning sexual transactions into affairs of the heart, making Western men feel responsible for them and, eventually, their families. Compared to the village life they left, these enterprising women were living the good life, earning much more money than they possibly could at more respectable occupations. When Odzer accompanied her friends and subjects on their visits home, they were treated like dignitaries, admired for their pretty clothes, freedom, and sophistication. Odzer even managed to win the confidence of some Western men willing to explain their infatuations with these pragmatic, even ruthless Thai women, but her own messy affair with a Thai man provided her with the most revealing insights into the conundrums of Patpong life. Candid, intrepid, and perceptive, Odzer humanizes a realm outsiders are all to quick to judge and dismiss, a realm shadowed, now, by a looming AIDS epidemic. Donna Seaman –This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Product Details
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Arcade Publishing (April 1, 1997)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1559703725
ISBN-13: 978-1559703727
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 6.1 x 0.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 15.7 ounces

One Response

  1. barney777 October 17, 2011

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